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Live the GniomCheck experience

Access the extraordinary world of your microbiota

Salade avec ingrédients

What if the secret to your well-being lies in your gut?

The revolution of microbiota

Our intestine is a key factor for our health, our morale and also our weight!


The bacteria that coat it and form the microbiota are not only involved in digestion but also in the proper functioning of the immune system, neurotransmitter production, appetite regulation and many other mechanisms.


​ Today's lifestyle, however, is often unbalanced by overly elaborate and undiversified diets, stress, antibiotics, pollution, and so on.


​ Result: 80% of pathologies have a digestive origin.


How does the GniomCheck test work ?


Sample collection





Nageur de nage sur le dos
  • Weight loss

Some foods can cause inflammation and permeability of the intestinal mucosa.

The pathogenic bacteria will take over our good bacteria. This chronic inflammation will lead to insulin resistance, which causes overweight and metabolic syndrome.

Why use GniomCheck test ?

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Our mission, to preserve your health
The more you know your state of health, the better for you
  • The diversity of intestinal bacteria

  • Intestinal permeability

  • The presence of dysbiosis

  • The propensity to develop intolerances

  • Indicator of inflammation and constipation

  • The immune system

  • The tendency to gain weight

  • The type of microbiota

  • The synthesis of vitamins

  • Emotional Balance & Sleep

Science in the heart of the intestine
High-speed sequencing technology
Thanks to DNA analysis with high productivity sequencing technology, for the first time it is possible to measure and quantify all bacteria.
Our laboratory has a database of over 6,000 scientific studies conducted worldwide on intestinal flora, which is constantly growing.
The interpretation of your profile is therefore based on this scientifically based knowledge and algorithms.
Learn more
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Our mission, to preserve your health
The more you know your state of health, the better for you
Thanks to our GniomCheck test, a new vision of health is emerging. We are making the choice to give people the chance to better understand and control their health.
Live the GniomCheck experience
Live the GniomCheck experience

Order today and receive your kit at home within 48 hours.

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ZA du Bosc - Hélios Group

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Respect for your privacy is our priority.

Data security

To guarantee the confidentiality of your data and results, our Physioquanta laboratory works exclusively on French servers. For this reason, your data is subject to French and European data protection regulations (RGPD).

We guarantee the anonymity of your data




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GniomCheck is not a medical product but a "lifestyle" product. Neither the information provided by Physioquanta nor the recommended probiotics can replace medical advice and are not used to cure illnesses. Please consult your doctor if you have any questions about your health.

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